Invalid path to authentication servlet.: /

Hello everyone, I hope someone can help with this issue.
I've seen many posts and a few solutions about the "Invalid path to authentication servlet.: /" issue and all of them are related to LDAP issues.
Questions: 1) How do I fix this? 2) How do I enable application logging so I can capture what is happening when the user attempts to log in? The trace logging in Liberty is too granular. 3) Is there paid IBM support, if so where is it?
Below is my setup
Installed in AWS Cloud
Single installation
User accounts are given Jazz User permission with floating license
No LDAP. Using the built-in basic registry (basicUserRegistry.xml).
Using AWS Load Balancer to redirect all HTTP and HTTPS traffic to <domain>/jts/auth/authrequired
Application Health only shows 1 error due to NTP setting.
Error occurs in all browsers- Firefox, IE (older version win 7), Edge (win 10).
server.xml contains additional entry
<httpEndpoint id="defaultHttpEndpoint" host="*" httpPort="-1" httpsPort="443">
<httpOptions removeServerHeader="true"/>
<httpOptions removeServerHeader="true"/>
<logging traceSpecification="**=all:HTTPChannel=all:GenericBNF=all:HTTPDispatcher=all"
traceFormat="BASIC" />
traceFormat="BASIC" />
Steps to reproduce
1) Log in as any user. URL is <domain>/jts/auth/authrequired
2) Log out. URL is <domain>/jts/auth/authrequired
3) Attempt to log back in as same user.
4) Error! result URL is <domain>/jts/auth
Clearing browser cache does not fix the problem. The only fix is to delete the "/auth" in the URL path so it points to <domain>/jts
Also, there is strange behavior when logging out as User A and then logging in as User B. The User Profile name (top right-corner) correctly displays User B on the user dashboard. However, once drilled down into a project area the name reverts to User A. And if User B has full access to the project and User A does not then the system gives an error. Even though User B is logged in!!
It is the above behavior that made me think there was a problem with RTC cookies but I wasn't able to find anything.