Is there a way to add a comment from the "discussion" section of a task into a table in ReportBuilder?

I am trying to generate a table that includes information on the current status of several tasks in ReportBuilder.
I was hoping to include as a part of this a section that contains the text of the a recent comment made in the discussion section as a way to provide a little more information on the task status.
However, I did not see "discussion" as one of the attributes that can be included in a report.
Does anyone know if this is something that can be done?
Thank you!
One answer

Hi Patrick,
If you are using Data warehouse data source, it is not possible because DCC job does not extract workitem discussion into RIODS.REQUEST table. Discussion can be huge so it is called "Document" rather than "Report".
If you have an RPE, then it is possible to get discussion data by "comments" field.
But I am afraid it is a bit tricky to sort the discussion order in the output document.
Matt Muller
Jun 22 '18, 6:29 a.m.Hi Patrick,
If you want to show it on a Dashboard may have something to try:
I've tried this without success using Report Builder; however was able to build a quick Query with the Comments filed added to the result: After running the query Select the option on the Right hand side "View Full Results in a printable format" Copy the URL.
Add an External Content Widget to your dashboard and enter the URL.
Worth a try?
Patrick Casey
Jun 22 '18, 11:28 a.m.Matt, thanks! That did exactly what I was looking for, and being on the dashboard ended up being more convenient than the reportbuilder anyways.
Do you happen to also know if there's a way to make it so that it only shows the most recent comment as well?