How to avoid role inheritance from RTC project area to its team area level

1. Get members from the project area
curl -k -u %USER%:%PASSWORD% -o "proj_%%a.xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" !P_URL!/members
2. Role remapped
3. Delete members from the project area
curl -D - -k -u %USER%:%PASSWORD% -X DELETE !P_URL!/members
4. Get members from the team area
curl -k -u %USER%:%PASSWORD% -o "team_%%i.xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" !T_URL!/members
The output xml file from Step 4 is giving all the roles inherited from Project area.
Pls let us know how to avoid this role inheritance
One answer

Not sure what your use case is but you can break the inheritance in each and every team area by adapting changes accordingly.

We are trying to change the existing roles to new roles for all project areas and the respective team areas. While doing this with the script we are facing this inheritance problem which we want to avoid.
Manual change is possible, but while trying with the script it is fetching the roles from the parent and adding it to the team area level. It is inheriting on run time.

Wait! now I get it. You are manipulating the users and not the role permissions itself. Right?
My bad.
What i know is first remove all the roles and then update the new roles. This worked via RTC Java API. Do you use that ?

I didnt try with Java API. Do you have one or it is already available. Pls share. I'll try to implement

Sorry I don't have it with me as it was in my older job.