RPE from DNG to Word - Style's inconsistent

I need to find a root cause to behavior I'm seeing when I export DNG modules to Word.
Scenario 1: In RPE I set artifact type Level 2 Requirement to a word Style called Requirement. These artifacts were imported from word documents and were originally in a very old version of ReqPro. In Word the Requirement style is set to arial font size 9 indented 0.8 inches from the margin. When I export, the artifact seems to take the style (eg is is showing as the style when I check) except that none of that formatting is actually being applied. If I go into DNG and manually remove the formatting, or modify some formatting, suddenly it will take the style formatting...but only to a point. Bullet points in the artifact refuse to take the 0.8 inch indent. I've worked around this by forcing an indent in the RPE template, but it is still a mystery as to why it claims to be of the correct style, but does not actually have the formatting of the style.
Scenario 2: In DNG I have a table. Similarly to Scenario 1, the formatting cells of the table seem to be 'locked down' when I export it to word utilizing a style with Arial font and the 0.8 inch indent. This is fine mostly since it looks correct and I don't actually want each cell indented. However, as soon as I modify a cell's formatting (since a few imported incorrectly), those individual cells export with with the indent. Now obviously this is more 'correct' behavior since the cells are taking on the formatting of the style, but the inconsistency is a huge problem. I can't set a blanket style for tables if half of them behave differently.
Scenario 3: In DNG I have an artifact that was imported with Times New Roman font and it has a bulleted list four levels deep. I manually cleared the formatting as I did in Scenario 1, but this time when I tried the template with the forced indenting, the bulleted list added additional indenting (so everything was shoved to the right a ridiculous amount). If I remove the forced indenting from the RPE template, it works fine. I don't know what to do if one artifact requires a forced indent, and other do not. The inconsistency makes creating a standard template impossible.
I need to know why artifacts which seem to be formatted the same, export to word in such wildly different ways. Any ideas?
Subramanya Prasad Pilar
Mar 13 '18, 1:12 p.m.Can you provide a sample ReqIF which can be imported in DNG?
Shannon Struttmann
Mar 15 '18, 2:32 p.m.Not sure how to attach files here.
Shannon Struttmann
Mar 15 '18, 2:37 p.m.And it won't let me add pictures.