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[closed] ojdc string for appliocations giving error

vowner owner (25532) | asked Mar 02 '18, 3:36 a.m.
closed Mar 16 '18, 8:29 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.1k33646)

Hi Team,

Our clm setup 6.0.3 version with Liberty profile.

Here we have a requirement to establish ssl Mutual authentication with The DBs and each applications.

We are using Oracle Db (12c) and we have jts, ccm, rm instance. and we have installed till here. Our DB team enabled ssl port listening from DB server side  and when we tried to connect the DBs with the jdbc string its getting failed (getting error as DB string is invalid or database is unreachabe), where as tcp port (1521 is working)

Please correct us if we are using a wrong connection string here,

jdbc string with tcp port (working)-  thin:jts_user/{password}@//

jdbc string with tcps prt 9Not working-  thin:jts_user/{password}@//

Please correct me with the string here if its wrong

vowner owner commented Mar 04 '18, 11:19 p.m.

 Any help here

The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question" by rschoon Mar 16 '18, 8:29 a.m.

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vowner owner (25532) | answered Mar 06 '18, 11:26 a.m.

 Hi ,

Please suggest us a solution if somebody came into this issue before

vowner owner commented Mar 16 '18, 8:25 a.m.

Oracle team suggested that," you are using the SSLv2 protocol, which isn't supported by Oracle. Switching to a supported protocol such as TLS or SSLv3 should resolve the issue".

Here how to make the liberty profile not to use sslv2 and use other protocol like sslv3 or TLS.