How to restrict Project area or Team area renaming by the normal user?
2 answers
If I look into the permission UI, there are two different permissions to be able to create team areas and rename team areas (change their properties).
On project area level there is only a rename team area, to create project areas you need repository role privileges.
So I don't see why you would need custom operational behavior for that, unless I am missing something.
To enforce "Allow Create PA and Disallow Modifications", we need to leverage a. Jazz Groups and b. Permissions.
Creating Project Area is governed by the Role (Jazz Group) user belongs to and only users who have either a JazzProjectAdmins or JazzAdmins role would be able to Create Project Areas.
Once the project area is created, you could control the project area properties change by using the permissions under Process > Save Project Area
Modify a project area
- Modify project area properties
For Team Area related changes, as Ralph pointed out, there are individual permissions under "Save Team Area" section
- Create a team area
- Modify a team area