Is there a REST API for DNG to create a local stream,component and baseline?

Accepted answer

Here is an example of how to create a component via OSLC:
1) GET /rm/oslc_config
2) In this document, find the oslc:ServiceProvider entry, it should be something like <server>/rm/oslc_config/components
3) GET on the URL found in step 2
4) This gives you the service provider document. In here you need to find the oslc:CreationFactory entry. On my server the URL is /rm/cm/component/ldpc?project=<UUID>. You will have one of these entries for each project area.
5) POST to the appropriate URL from step 4 for the project area where you want to create a component.
Request headers:
OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0
Content-Type: application/rdf+xml
Request body:
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""
<dcterms:title rdf:parseType="Literal">Create Via OSLC</dcterms:title>
<dcterms:description rdf:parseType="Literal">Test description</dcterms:description>
You can do a GET on an existing component to see an example representation.
3 other answers

DNG supports OSLC Configuration Management for creation of streams, components, and baselines. See https://<servername>:<port>/rm/oslc_config for details. You can also look at for the latest details of the spec.

Hello Brian,
Is this true for DNG 6.0.4, or only 6.0.5?

This API was introduced in CLM 6.0.4, see this post on news and noteworthy for Jazz Foundation 6.0.4 - REST services API, and extended with CLM 6.0.5 as mentioned here.

We are having difficulties creating components in DNG, is there any example code that works with 6.0.4 which we could look at to get some better understanding?

Find the details on how we created a Stream from baseline in RM
Create Stream:
URL : https://SERVER:PORT/rm/localVersioning/configurations/streams
Request header :
vvc.configuration: https://SERVER:PORT/rm/cm/stream/_zJk0UPHVEee5lKtCF40vKnm
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
X-Jazz-CSRF-Prevent : Session ID
Request body:
{"name":"Test Stream","description":"test stream","configurationId":"https://SERVER:PORT/rm/cm/baseline/_q6yh8CHNEeiZ4ZpHAw7JUA"}
But we are not able to create a stream directly without taking a baseline.
Similarly component creation also not there
1 vote

Requiring that there be a baseline upon which a new stream is based is what I would expect. I will ping the development team for an example on how to create a new component.
Thomas Kirstätter
Feb 08 '18, 1:49 a.m.Hint: We currently use CLM 6.0.4