RTC Enumerations: Ability for Tester to Add a Value

I am overseeing the migration of CQ & CC to RTC.
For RTC, IBM has informed me that RTC enumerations do not allow adding values by users. I am looking for alternative solutions to allow this (e.g., member roles, permissions, using an alternative to an enumeration).
In CQ v8.0.1.9, there are a couple of enumerations (menus) that our team members can add a value when needed.
Accepted answer

I looked into a concept for this a few years ago, but did not apply into production so what IBM say maybe true. I was able to add in a New Enumeration list and then specify the Enumeration attribute.
When you add in the new enumeration attribute presentation in Eclipse click the "Allow to add new Literals"
I didn't take the concept into production and I'm not sure if this is supported by IBM.
Anyway - something to think about.
Also you have another option of driving the list using scripting https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/AttributeCustomization#API_Example
Script Based Value Set Note: You can find general information about script-based attribute customization in the Using scripts for attribute customization section.
You may provide custom value sets using scripts. Values which are permitted for an attribute must be explicitly included in the returned value set.
Here is a skeleton for implementing Value set providers using a script:
dojo.provide("org.example.workitems.providers.ValueSetSkeleton"); (function() { dojo.declare("org.example.workitems.providers.ValueSetSkeleton", null, { getValueSet: function(attributeId, workItem, configuration) { var result= []; result.push("a"); result.push("b"); return result; } }); })();