what are the installation steps for IBM Tools for beginners.
what are the installation steps for IBM Rational Quality Manager & Rational Doors ?
2 answers
Hello Ralph from this link https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating
This is the download page: https://jazz.net/downloads/clm/releases/6.0.4
This is the simplest download and install instruction: https://jazz.net/downloads/clm/releases/6.0.4?p=gettingStarted
If you can't work from that data e.g. follow these instructions and the interactive install guides, consider asking for a consultant to help you.
1 vote
Hi Ralph , i have installed CLM -Web installer 6.0.4 , and launched the common launchpad that is "Rational solution for CLM" , window displays various downloads , which one to install next , can you please provide me step by step installation process.
Sorry, but I will not rewrite the documentation in this answer. I have provided you with the entry points you need.
As a simple summary:
Use the Web Install, if you don't know how IBM Installation Manager works
Otherwise Install Installation Manager (IM)
- Download the IM repository and hook it up to IM
- Install JTS, DoorsNext, RQM as a minimum
- Run the setup on this environment
And follow the documentation.
This is the error i got after installing some of the selected applications like Jazz server , QM ,RM etc... what may be the reason for this.
Ralph , can you please answer to my question , whenever i am trying to install the selected one like Jazz Team server ,RM, QM , etc in the last window of installation process , in view log click i am getting this type of error.
The fundamental issue here is, that you try to cut corners and don't digest the information. You also rather ask basic stuff, that Google could have told you (This specific warning has been answered hundereds of times in this forum).
Start here: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating
- Download the Web Installer (or IBM Installation Manager and the repository)
- Select the applications to install
- Choose Derby for each application for a first trial
- Select Liberty Profile and use local user registry