Multi parents in RTC?

My project has run into a situation that one story contributes to multiple epic, which means one story needs to have multiple parents. I don't see RTC can support multi parents at the moment, so thinking instead, can multi copies be created for the story and put under each related epic, and then when the status of the master story gets updated, the status of those copies get updated automatically as well?
2 answers

Parent child is (and always has been) 1:N so only one parent.
A copy of a work item is just that, a copy. Any changes to its values is only to this value, the other copies are their own instances hence have their own values and lifecycle.
To some extent you can use Tracks/Contributes to links which support N:M relationships. However, there is no aggregation of things like story points etc available across this link type.

What semantics were you trying to capture with the "parent" relationship?