Moving Stream and components from one Project area to another Project area without loosing history of committed files
Amit Kumar (19●5●14)
| asked Jul 06 '17, 12:17 a.m.
edited Jul 06 '17, 1:00 p.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k●7) We are planning to move to a new Project Area in RTC.
Accepted answer
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| answered Jul 06 '17, 3:32 a.m.
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Unlike work items SCM data is not "In a Project Area". The Streams, components and the like are owned by a project area. The owner can be changed and archiving project areas does not affect objects not owned by this PA. Amit Kumar selected this answer as the correct answer
2 other answers
Take a look at this forum answer:
Also, if you want to provide access to users from another project area, take a look at this:
Thanks Padur for your quick response.
completely agree with your's aforesaid comments.
Apparently, we are doing same, i.e. accessing components of one project area from other project area by defining access to do so.
But in case we go for decommissioning/archiving of existing project area ( as we are already using new Project area for project management) , it will also loose our components and streams of existing project area which will also impact new project area as new project area will be devoid of streams and components, Isn't ? So, i wanted to move them in new project area.
Is there any solution of this also ?
Here is my actual requirement,
I wanted to have history of commits in new project area (as per history of existing project area, ) and also don't want to lose them once existing project area get decommissioned OR achieved.
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