Error!!! while creating a repository connection from RTCi

I have installed Rational developer for i v7.5 (integrated with Rational team concert for i).In that work items perspective im trying to connect to a repository on jazz server which is hosted on windows.I have the URI to connect but results in error stating that "Remote Host closed connection during handshake".please help me to resolve it.
One answer

A handshake error indicates some problems with the SSL configuration. Quite often, it is that the RTC server is restricted to TLSv1.2 only but the RTC client is not enabled for TLSv1.2. Unless you can provide more details about it, it is hard to say what exactly is the cause.

Thank you Donald...

Iam unable to attach the screenshot of what the error it is.Could you please share your email id with me.It would be helpful to explain my error.

Unfortunately I'm not familiar with RTCi/RDi or System i in general.
You can try this first.
If you need further assistance, please contact IBM Support.