DNG - Automatically generate module specific requirement IDs (not DOORs IDs)

We have several modules (let's call them MyModule1 and MyModule2), and for each of them We would like to associate each artifact with an ID like:
That should be in the Req-ID column of the artifacts in MyModule1 .
for the artifacts in MyModule2.
Is there a way to generate these numbering automatically?
A good workflow for me is to select multiple artifacts, then click on the pencil icon and "Edit attributes for # artifacts". I would click on the checkbox near the desired attribute, and change value to something like "FOO-$$$"
and trust that $$$ would be replaced by in each artifact by a unique number for the selected artifacts.
I could not find anything like this, unfortunately.
Thank you!
Accepted answer

Hi, That can be done with an extension script. Check https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RMExtensions602 for samples and how to enable them.