'work Item List' or 'Item List' attribute type not supported in JRS 6.0.2 ?
Accepted answer
The Data Warehouse does not store complex list type custom attributes. It only stores single valued complex attributes and those get exposed in Report Builder since release 6.0.3.
Thanks Rafik and Ralph !
However curious, is it a technical limitation with multi-value list or something that is not prioritized as yet ?
Hi Rafik,
Any plans to support the attribute type such as 'Work-item List' in the Data warehouse ? We recently upgraded to V6.0.4 , but that does not have it either.
another query, If not from JRS, would this attribute type be available while creating BIRT based reports ?
Vivek Pandey
Jun 07 '17, 8:57 a.m.Hi, anyone can help on this query please ?
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Jun 07 '17, 9:58 a.m.There are limitations on what a data warehouse can support. I would think that this is likely not possible to support since it is multiple values. There are others that are questionable such as contributors and other complex values.