How to download files from a specific baseline
Now we have the requirement that download all compoent files that included in a specific baseline, if anyone know how to do it by java? |
Accepted answer
Ralph Schoon (63.3k●3●36●46)
| answered May 11 '17, 2:09 a.m.
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER The posts in this series show how to create repository workspaces, add components, rebase components. The blog post Getting your stuff – using the RTC SDK to zip a repository workspace explains how to download data. vicky wang selected this answer as the correct answer
One other answer
Thanks Ralph, attached the code I used based on the code from the website;
List<IWorkspaceHandle> workspaces = manager.findWorkspaces(criteria,Integer.MAX_VALUE, null);
IWorkspaceConnection workspace = manager.getWorkspaceConnection(workspaces.get(0), null);
List<IComponentHandle> components = workspace.getComponents();
IComponentHandle requiredComponent = null;
for(IComponentHandle component : components)
IComponent tmp = (IComponent)repo.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(component, IItemManager.DEFAULT, null);
System.out.println("compoent:" + tmp.getName());
requiredComponent = component;
IBaselineSearchCriteria baselineQuery = IBaselineSearchCriteria.FACTORY.newInstance();
List<IBaselineHandle> baselines = manager.findBaselines(baselineQuery, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null);
IBaselineConnection baselineConn = manager.getBaselineConnection(baselines.get(0), null);
IConfiguration config = baselineConn.changeHistory().configuration();
IFolderHandle rootFolder = config.rootFolderHandle(null);
Map<String,IVersionableHandle> kids = config.childEntries(rootFolder , null);
for (java.util.Map.Entry<String, IVersionableHandle> folderEntry : kids.entrySet()) {
path = path + "/" + folderEntry.getKey();
IVersionableHandle child = folderEntry.getValue();
if (child instanceof IFolderHandle) {
printFolder(path, (IFolderHandle) child, config, monitor);
} else if(item instanceof IFileItemHandle){
IFileItem fileItem = (IFileItem)SCMPlatform.getWorkspaceManager(repo).versionableManager().fetchCompleteState(item, null);
IFileContent fileContent = fileItem.getContent();
File outputFile = new File(subIndent);
System.out.println("outputFile:" + outputFile);
OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(outputFile.getAbsolutePath());
SCMPlatform.getContentManager(repo).retrieveContent(item, fileContent, output, null);
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