how to provide users access ONLY to be able to change workflow

Accepted answer

A workflow should not be changed frequently (if ever) once a project is started. If not carefully, you will make some work items stuck at some states going nowhere. Given that, I don't really see a need to delegate this particular function to person other than the Project Administrator.
BTW, the only relevant permission that I can see is Process > Project areas > Modify project areas > Modify process specifications, which allows you to modify everything in the process configuration.
Donald Nong
May 09 '17, 8:47 p.m.Are you talking about modifying the state of a work item, or modifying the definition of a work flow in the process configuration?
Pravin Patil
May 09 '17, 8:52 p.m.I am referring to the workflow in process configuration, please refer to the attached screenshot (they should be able to change only the red highlighted area, "transitions")