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Attribute which has the type as Enumeration list is having only filter is, is not, exists but we need more option as starts with , ends with

Sathish Kumar B (33) | asked Apr 05 '17, 3:42 a.m.

 Need more filter like "Starts with", "Ends with" like other Attribute. We are getting only 3 values "is", "is not", "exists"

for the Attribute which has the Type as "Enumeration List"

Any idea about this requirement. Hope this feature has been asked by other customers as well.

2 answers

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Apr 07 '17, 6:33 a.m.

For an enumeration value, what gets stored in the work item (or database) is its ID (resource URI), not its literal value. So an operator such as "starts with" makes no sense at all.

Do you have too many enumeration values that you cannot select them one by one?

permanent link
Andy Chen (812) | answered Apr 06 '17, 1:38 a.m.

Hi Sathish,

Enumerations can be customised within the Eclipse or Web Client to contain the values you require as long as the user has the permissions to do so.

This is for the Eclipse Client:
1.)  From the Project Area go to Process Configuration > Project Configuration > Configuration Data >Work Items > Enumerations and select the Enumeration you would like to add the values ("Starts with", "Ends With" etc.) to.

2.) Click "Add..." to assign another value to your enumeration

3.) Add the value you want and click OK. You can also optionally assign an icon and external value to the enumeration value

Further information on customising Enumerations can be found at the following
Eclipse Client:
Web Client

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