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[closed] RQM - test scripts User does not see header/section info

Norman Dignard (356688168) | asked Feb 21 '17, 1:05 p.m.
closed Feb 21 '17, 10:16 p.m. by Donald Nong (14.5k414)

JAZZ 502.   

We have a user using RQM and they do not see the header section of test scripts . We have tried different browsers on different hosts but the problem persists. The only what they can get to the header section of a test script is from a test case  where a test script is listed where she can do an edit which displays the header section of the test script in tabular form.  even on creating a test case all the get is the Steps section. Other users see the header section as a "pinned" area.

How does the user get this back ?



The question has been closed for the following reason: "Duplicate Question" by dnong Feb 21 '17, 10:16 p.m.