Not able to add RTC License keys to RTC 6.0.3 server
I could not able to import RTC license keys to server and getting following error message “The upload did not complete in a reasonable amount of time; the server may be unavailable ID CRJAZ1490E”, I’m using supported internet explorer version and correct license keys. Please let me know if have any resolution for this issue.
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3 answers
If you search the error CRJAZ1490E, you will see the issue has been asked for several times. The possible reasons are:
- an unsupported browser version was used
- a supported version of IE was being used but then they tried Firefox and it worked.
reasons for this issue some thing different
Here is the solution: <o:p> </o:p>
The issue was occurred due to wrong Java SE 8, if you’re setting up latest server and you install WAS v8.5.5.11 this problem occurs. WAS 8.5.5 will install Java SE 8 version so this version will not supported by IBM, you need to downgrade/switch to Java SE 7, Here is the supported site to explain how to install Java SE 7 and other details. <o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p> Install Java 1.7 on WAS:
You may also refer the below link for information (to switch java to v7):