runstats frequency on data warehouse DB
Hi all,
my db2 admin is asking why a runstats is run against ccm data warehouse db (DB2 is used, in this case). He says he's not doing that runstats and it's some ccm Server / Advance Properties / property that force the runstats each hour.
Can someone have an idea about what to check?
One answer
I have seen runstats active on dw database during etl jobs. It is also plausible that the database itself is configured to evaluate runstats/reorg
db2 get db cfg for database XXXX
Part of that output is [ these are not default settings ]
Automatic maintenance (AUTO_MAINT) = ON
Automatic database backup (AUTO_DB_BACKUP) = OFF
Automatic table maintenance (AUTO_TBL_MAINT) = ON
Automatic runstats (AUTO_RUNSTATS) = ON
Real-time statistics (AUTO_STMT_STATS) = OFF
Statistical views (AUTO_STATS_VIEWS) = OFF
Automatic sampling (AUTO_SAMPLING) = OFF
Automatic reorganization (AUTO_REORG) = ON
In addition there is the possibility of configuring these activities to be constrained to certain days/times, but if memory serves, the default is any day/any time.