Where is the .log file when using the Jetty based Environment while developing plugins?

While developing plugins I'm using Jetty based RTC extending environment in RTC 6.0.2. This was created using the RTC extending workshop setup. While testing where are the console messages written to when working on work items on the web.
Accepted answer

Late reply to this, it's probably no longer relevant to the thread owner, but may help others.
One other answer

The server log file, I believe, is
C:\RTCXXDev\workspaces\Dev1\runtime-New_configuration.metadata\.log assuming the Eclipse workspace running Jetty is C:\RTCXXDev\workspaces\Dev1\WS
It was pretty easy to find using a simple file search.

Dear Ralph,

Wrong Answer from me deleted

Sorry, my bad. The workspace C:\RTCXXDev\workspaces\Dev1\runtime-New_configuration.metadata\ is generated by the RTC Eclipse debug client.

You can try to look if C:\RTC602Dev\workspaces\Dev2\WS.metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.pde.core[RTCExt] Jetty RTC Server dev\workspace.metadata\.log is what you are looking for. I have never had that requirement.

Dear Ralph,