For a product integration, could we expose RTC API's onto an internal Gateway?

We have a requirement to expose RTC API's and web services related to
1. Work Items Management
2. Source Control Management
3. Build Management
onto an internal Gateway thru which the services and operations can be exposed to multi channel users and/ or third party tools that would like to consume the services. The gateway takes care of security methods to prevent unauthorized access.
Need suggestions on how to implement this solution for our enterprise.
I know the question is at a very high level devoid of technical details and it is because I am a beginner and have no prior experience implementing any RTC solution for the enterprise.
One answer

See and the related links for RTC APIs. See for an OSLC related starting point.

Hi Ralph,
We're still unclear how to enable this integration. Could you please review the integration request and let me know when this can be resolved?

That is neither the right place nor the right form to create a request like that. As it is typical for integration requests, writing: "Our Service Catalog team requests an integration between Digital ML and RTC" is absolutely insufficient information. You might have an idea what integration means, but our dev team does not. And me neither.
You can ask for enhancements here: I would suggest to put a bit more meat to the bone what integration means.
You can work with your local IBM team as well. Maybe you can find out what is required.
My original answer provides you with starting points to the RTC Java APIs and the OSLC APIs you can use. The question does not provide anything to work with.

I suspect your gateway is a proxy in your environment, if so this is an infrastructure question and you would have to really talk to your infrastructure people.