DOORS sample_get.dxl returns error 406 for RQM resources
I am testing sample_get.dxl script in my DOORS environment.
sample_get.dxl is at
C:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\DOORS\\lib\dxl\example\oslc\sample_get.dxl
The sample_get DXL code worked with CCM resources, and the return code was 200.
The sample_get DXL code did not work with QM resources, and the return code was 406.
How can sample_get DXL code work with QM resources?
Accepted answer
From, HTTP status code 406 means that the resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities which have content characteristics not acceptable according to the accept headers sent in the request.
Since this issue happened when accepting header, we can modify line 50 of sample_get.dxl as follows:
change text/xml to application/rdf+xml
and then test again.