Issue in exporting files and folders to Rational base ClearCase using ClearCase Synchronizer

I too applied attribute type as per the Preparing a sub-VOB component link
From RTC side, we have subCompA component which i tried to export to base clearcase vob sub folder.
but the build is failed with below error logs
Problem running 'synchronizeStream':
Synchronization blocked by error:
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: CRRTC4023W The root at "Pathname|/workspace/_pop3AFjGEeaDu_nwKAde7A/subCompA" could not be transferred.
The synchronizer was not able to complete the requested operation
Fix any errors reported in the rest of the log file.
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: CRRTC4066E: The synchronization process cannot be completed. A versioned object base (VOB) tag that matches the "subCompA" component name cannot be found.
Build failed. Exit value was 3.
Accepted answer

If this works, then "accept" the configuration of that component into the synchronized stream, and try another sync.
This should effectively export that content to the sub-vob component.

Hi Geoffrey Clemm,
As per your advise, i tried to import. but there is an issue in selecting component to import.
When i expand that top level folder (vobB), i could not see any sub folder and also if i select root folder (vobA), i am getting below error message.
Node 'vobA' cannot be selected.Cannot find a configuration for the selected resource. Please select a resource within VOB or sub-VOB component
from clearcase side, the vobB has below folder structure
and i have applied
subVOB_Component attribute to
folder1\subCompA folder

The attribute you have to apply (to the directory element, not to a version of the directory) is:
Did you include that full name?
Still export process not working properly … Let me explain what i have tried.....Please let me know, what is wrong/ what I have missed.
From RTC side, we have one component
- rtccompA ( it has one file : test.txt)
From base clearcase side
VOB name : cc_vob
and also created a sub folder "rtccompA" to accept the changes from RTC component
also created an atrribute type "" using below commend.
cleartool mkattype -global -nc -shared -vtype string
and applied the attribute to the vob sub folder (rtccompA) using below comment.
cleartool mkattr -nc \"rtccompA\" rtccompA@@
Also created a branch type to use create sync stream in RTC
clearcase branch type selector = test_branch@\cc_vob
From RTC side : Created a synchronized stream "test_branch" from below path
File > new > others > jazz source control > clearcase synchronized stream > import from an existing base clearcase branch ( clearcase branch type selector = test_branch@\cc_vob )
once created a "test_branch" synchronized stream, we have added existing RTC component (rtccompA ) to synchronized stream.
and selected rtccompA and its sub file test.txt export by synchronization . ( from select fiel to syncronize >" select files and folders in jazz" > Browse for files to synchronize
Once completed build, we received below error.
Processed activity "Error while trying to transfer: Pathname|/workspace/_DyZxQF_REeaxvd32lFg7rg/rtccompA
Reason Code: method-not-supported
Reason: CRRTC4023W The root at "Pathname|/workspace/_DyZxQF_REeaxvd32lFg7rg/rtccompA" could not be transferred.
The synchronizer was not able to complete the requested operation
Fix any errors reported in the rest of the log file. " in 5961 millisecond(s)
Processed activity "Error while trying to transfer: Pathname|/workspace/_DyZxQF_REeaxvd32lFg7rg/rtccompA/test.txt
Reason Code: method-not-supported
Reason: CRRTC4023W The root at "Pathname|/workspace/_DyZxQF_REeaxvd32lFg7rg/rtccompA/test.txt" could not be transferred.
The synchronizer was not able to complete the requested operation
Fix any errors reported in the rest of the log file. " in 804 millisecond(s)
Number of files created = 0
Number of files updated = 0
Number of folders created = 0
Number of folders updated = 0
Number of symbolic links created = 0
Number of files created = 0
Number of files updated = 0
Number of folders created = 0
Number of folders updated = 0
Number of symbolic links created = 0
Problem running 'synchronizeStream':
Synchronization blocked by error:
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: Some files could not be synchronized
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: CRRTC4023W The root at "Pathname|/workspace/_DyZxQF_REeaxvd32lFg7rg/rtccompA" could not be transferred.
The synchronizer was not able to complete the requested operation
Fix any errors reported in the rest of the log file.
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: CRRTC4066E: The synchronization process cannot be completed. A versioned object base (VOB) tag that matches the "rtccompA" component name cannot be found.
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: CRRTC4023W The root at "Pathname|/workspace/_DyZxQF_REeaxvd32lFg7rg/rtccompA/test.txt" could not be transferred.
The synchronizer was not able to complete the requested operation
Fix any errors reported in the rest of the log file.
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: CRRTC4066E: The synchronization process cannot be completed. A versioned object base (VOB) tag that matches the "rtccompA" component name cannot be found.
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: CRRTC4023W The root at "Pathname|/workspace/_DyZxQF_REeaxvd32lFg7rg/rtccompA" could not be transferred.
The synchronizer was not able to complete the requested operation
Fix any errors reported in the rest of the log file.
javax.wvcm.WvcmException: CRRTC4066E: The synchronization process cannot be completed. A versioned object base (VOB) tag that matches the "rtccompA" component name cannot be found.
Build failed. Exit value was 3.

The advice in the original answer applies to every new component added to the synchronized stream, i.e.:
"Try first doing an import from the sub-vob component in ClearCase into RTC. "
So in this case, you need to first import at least one file from the ClearCase sub-vob component rtccompA into RTC before you can export any rtccompA changes from RTC to ClearCase.

Yes. you are right... export is working fine, once import clearcase sub-vob component rtccompA or its file into RTC. thank you.