RTC support for Jenkins 2 - pipelines

One answer

I'm not sure I understand the question.. RTC is source and Build. there is no pipeline in build.
you can start a jenkins job. which could be one of the pipeline jobs, today, start the build and use the job chaining feature and build pipeline plugin to see the same visuals on jenkins UI.
you can't visualize the pipeline on RTC.
I detest this 'infrastructure/build/deployment/pipeline as code' movement. it hides all the details in ANOTHER DSL, which are the bear of maintenance.
you can start a jenkins job. which could be one of the pipeline jobs, today, start the build and use the job chaining feature and build pipeline plugin to see the same visuals on jenkins UI.
you can't visualize the pipeline on RTC.
I detest this 'infrastructure/build/deployment/pipeline as code' movement. it hides all the details in ANOTHER DSL, which are the bear of maintenance.

Hi Sam,
Thanks for the reply.
In Jenkins 2, for example you can manage the Jenkins flow as code in GIT. And then build it out of the SCM tool (GIT).
The customer looks for this behavior with RTC SCM.
The new capabilities and GIT integration is documented here: See link: https://jenkins.io/2.0/

got it.. still don't like it..
if you had the FILE.. is there a unique jenkins step that could consume it and run the flow? I don't want to try to learn j2.0 right now to answer that.