RQM 6.0.2: ExcelImporter - 2. Link test suite to an existing test plan 2. How to set custom atrributes/categories for the test suite in the config file?

In my configuration file, I create new test suite with test cases. I would like to link the test suite i am creating to an existing test plan. How can I accomplish that in the config file for the ExcelImporter?
Also, how do I set custom attributes and categories for the test suite in the config file?
I am using RQM 6.0.2 and same excel importer.
Thank you.
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One other answer


Thanks for your answer. However, for the first questions, my test plan is not in the Excel, but it exists in RQM so I cannot link the test suite to the test plan since I don't have the test plan info in a cell in the excel sheet.
For the second question, what is the syntax for setting values for a custom CATEGORY? I could not find it in the wiki.

For the second question, what is the syntax for setting values for a custom CATEGORY?
>>> Go to Manage Project Properties > Artifact Categories > Test
Case Categories)
Add the following line using the information found in the "Manage Project Properties"
testcase.customAttributes identifier="Keyword_2".name="Keyword 2".type="MEDIUM_STRING".value="NEW VALUE"
