Add selected module artifacts to a review?
I want to setup a review for selected artifacts in a module. Is there a way to do this?
Using the module menu button (three horizontal lines on the right side), it adds the module artifact to the review, not each individual artifact within the module (same for collection). There appears to be no way using the selected artifacts' pencil edit buttons.
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You would still have the problem of hunting through hundreds of IDs to find the dozen you want. I've been using an open field in the artifacts to mark them per their level one heading and then filtering on that attribute (for collections and reviews). It's a time-consuming hack for sure, but it works for now.
The requirements I want reviewed are in a module, grouped in sections by a heading structure. I only want to review a certain section. So I want to select that section and start a review for just those requirements. I can select base artifacts in a folder to review, but then I have to hunt through potentially hundreds of requirements (without a heading structure to guide me) for the dozen or so I want to review.
Anyone else have any hacks? I can't use tags since module-context tags can't be seen outside the module. I can't use a view since the Select Artifacts dialog box doesn't allow using module views. I suppose I could create an attribute, set it to "for review" in the module, and then filter on that in the Select Artifacts dialog box... but that seems a little complicated for a simple ask.
This appears to me like a big feature hole!