How to restrict user from changing "Component Owner" using permissions?
Accepted answer

The 'write' access of a component (ex: modifying it's name, owner, visibility) is governed by the component owner.
If the component is owned by a contributor, then only that contributor can change these properties. If it is owned by a project or team area, then this can be controlled by permissions in the project area itself.
Ex: "Process Configuration" tab --> Team Configuration --> Permissions --> Source Control / Save Component (server)
(in particular "Remove a component from a project/team area" or "Add a component to a project/team area").
The visibility field of a component (i.e it's read access) will control who can see the component and it's change sets, but will not grant 'write' access to that component (as explained above).
If the component is owned by a contributor, then only that contributor can change these properties. If it is owned by a project or team area, then this can be controlled by permissions in the project area itself.
Ex: "Process Configuration" tab --> Team Configuration --> Permissions --> Source Control / Save Component (server)
(in particular "Remove a component from a project/team area" or "Add a component to a project/team area").
The visibility field of a component (i.e it's read access) will control who can see the component and it's change sets, but will not grant 'write' access to that component (as explained above).