Looking for a way to copy work item types from one ccm process template to another.

We are looking to copy the following WI types from the scrum ccm template into the Safe program ccm template
Impediment (no idea why this was not included in SaFe program????) Risk and Risk Action work item types. Would have been great if this functionality was build into the eclipse editor (should be in my opinion. if it isnt) Thanks for any help and guidance.
One answer

you can do that copying from the source xml process definition. You need to find the workitem type definition, workflow and presentations pieces and then paste on the new project area.
After that, you can export a updated template.

but wouldn't there be references to the from template that would not be in the to template? This is where we are struggling.

not a lot of cross content.. the data model is supposed to be consistent across all of the workitem types..
you can duplicate a wi type in the template.. delete all but the ones you want to copy, save it as a temporary project, edit the source.. copy the stuff, once u got it right, delete/archive the project