How to resolve below issue ?

The package specified in the C:\RTC50Dev\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\RTC50Dev\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\RTC50Dev\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\RTC50Dev\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
The package specified in the C:\RTC50Dev\im\win32.win32.x86\install-server.xml file cannot be found.
How to resolve this problem ?
One answer

- Use the plain zip version of the RTC server to reduce the download size.
- Use a download manager as suggested on the download site to download the install packages.

Hello Ralph,
This problem I am facing when installing through web installer.
And I already download the zip file.

- Use a download manager as suggested on the download site to download the install package - your download most likely is broken or your zip tool does not work
- There is a special plain zip version of RTC and JTS, use them. This is also described in the workshop a alternative install

I have never seen the web installer fail, but it can like any other if the download is broken somehow i.e. due to a bad connection or download ratio or a broken cache on the way, I suppose.
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