How to update a Workspace in Server side deliver advisor

One answer

I hope that this helps,

Thanks Chris, good point I had overlooked that.
So if i make this a Participant rather than an Advisor is IRepositoryItemService.saveItem()
the correct method to use to save the Workspace?

Hi Ian,
I don't have expertise in Participants. Hopefully, Sam has some more details.

well, if the participant service class is created as an extension like this
public class xxx extends AbstractScmService implements IOperationParticipant
private static IScmService fscmService = null;
fscmService = getScmService();
will get you the entrypoint of the SCM service handler.
there are tons of methods for that handler.
if u setup the SDK properly, in eclipse,
fscmService. will list them all (note the trailing .)
sam detweiler
Oct 21 '15, 11:05 a.m.As Chris mentions, any changes must be done in a Participant plugin. Note that the original transaction has been committed before the participant is called. The participant could cause another transaction, but cannot modify the original