How to Backup of CCM project area.

3 answers

To export a work item templates, use "File -> Export -> Team -> "Work Item Template"

Hello Geoffrey,

Disclaimer: I personally never use work item templates for doing real work, so all I know is what I've discovered by playing around with them.
But with that in mind, the first thing I would do look at the .xml file generated by the export, and see where that reference to "user Name" is coming from.
If the "export" process generated a field you don't need/want, I try just deleting it from the xml. Alternatively, if the .xml file is referring to a field or value that is defined in the exporting project area, but is not defined in the importing project area, then you will need to edit the .xml to remove or fix-up that field/value. I'll assume folks with more experience importing work item templates will add comments based on actually knowledge (:-).


note that he is talking a cloud based system, where he doesn't have control of any of the systems components.

Good catch Sam. Then there is no way I am aware of. You can maybe get some data export e.g. the current source and the work items as CSV, but otherwise there is no out of the box way to get all data with all history for a project out of the instance.