How to access the streams from Project area using OSLC REST API ?
Hello all
I want to access the streams names from project area using OSLC REST API . I followed the OSLC WOrkshop for accessing the Project names from repository using OSLC servlet .and now i want to access the streams name from that project area. what Xpath and URI i have fetch or used to access the stream names .
2 answers
Hi Shweta,
RTC does not support OSCL change configuration management. There is Plan Item 213843:[CCM] PLE / Global Config / OSLC configuration management support created to support that.
You may find more elaborated answer on stackoverflow: Getting history of a jazz component using oslc.
Let us know if that helps.
RTC does not support OSCL change configuration management. There is Plan Item 213843:[CCM] PLE / Global Config / OSLC configuration management support created to support that.
You may find more elaborated answer on stackoverflow: Getting history of a jazz component using oslc.
Let us know if that helps.
Hello Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk
Thanks for your reply. but i clear with this that OSLC interfaces not support for the SCM. so is there any another solution in OSLC to go with .
Hello Shweta,
You could use try using client API's of RTC TO manage streams... Ralph Schoon has posted a very nice article in his blog which you can use for your reference.
I hope this helps..