delimiters issue in RTC 5.0.2

We are using RTC 5.0.2 eclipse client,here the files are getting in unresolved with out any changes due to line delimiters.But the delmiter handling is already set as NONE for project area and in server its value also DEFAULT as mentioned in the link below:
So could any one help us to solve this issue .
Lily Wang
Aug 24 '15, 4:54 a.m.If you check the problem file's properties, what Line Delimiter it is shown?
Did you add the problem file to Jazz Source control before or after you made the Line Delimiter Handling setting on project area level?
David Lafreniere
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 24 '16, 10:06 p.m.Srikanth, can you please answer the question above, or comment if you figured out what the root cause was.