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How to fix issue with Print Module Book in RDNG 5.0.2?

Robert Huet (23112884) | asked Jul 30 '15, 12:12 p.m.
 There is a problem with the XML output of the REST API call used to create the Print Module Book report in RDNG v5.0.2.  I tested it under v6, and it is fixed there.  The question is how to best work around it in v5.0.2.

Here is a snippet of the XML returned in RDNG v5.0.2:
<rrm:field field:fieldId="2" field:isContent="true">
<field:value field:type="richtext">
<h1>1 Basic Flow</h1>
Basic Flow

Notice that the heading "Basic Flow" is repeated below (probably showing both title and content, which are mirrored).

The expectation is that the heading would only show up once, with the <h1> tag, and this is what I'm seeing in version 6.0.

The picture below illustrates the output, where the output on the left reflects v5.0.2, while the output on the right reflects v6.0 and what should be expected.

Accepted answer

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Subramanya Prasad Pilar (4.6k16) | answered Jul 31 '15, 7:04 a.m.
edited Jul 31 '15, 7:11 a.m.
One solution is to redesign RPE/RRDG template by using DNG module schema and text schema. If you use dataSource/artifact/content/text/richTextBody/div from text data source, you will not see duplicated text.
Robert Huet selected this answer as the correct answer

Robert Huet commented Jul 31 '15, 10:21 a.m.

Thanks, this approach should work, but will also require a separate REST API call for each artifact in the module.  On large modules, this may have a huge impact on performance.  I will have to test to see if it is workable.  If not, another option could be to clean up the extra heading names using a Word Macro.

One other answer

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Robert Huet (23112884) | answered Jul 30 '15, 5:16 p.m.
 My XML snipet in my original post did not come out right.  I'm posting the xml as a picture this time, and comparing a portion of the xml output from the REST API.  Notice the extra "Scope" instance on the left.  Running the same query in v6.0 (on right) that extra instance is not there.

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