How to Import a Project from TopTeam Analyst into Rational DOORS NexGen

Has anyone imported a project from TopTeam Analyst into Rational DOORS NexGen? We have a couple of projects that were developed in TopTeam that we would like to migrate from TopTeam into Rational DOORS NexGen.
There are also several links between artifacts in TopTeam that the owner would like to transfer to Rational as well.
One answer

In what formats can TopTeam Analyst export? The requirements interchange format (ReqIF)? MS Word? Comma separated value file (CSV)?
If it supports any of the above, you can import them in to DOORS NG. It's likely that you'll have to create new links manually.

Thank you for your answer. TopTeam can export a CSV. Several custom attributes have been created in TopTeam, as well as a substantial folder structure. Will I need to recreate these attributes and folders in DNG before I can import the CSV?

That is correct. You should manually create the folder structure & DNG Schema.