Rally vs RTC - Why it is mandatory to create Release Backlog-Plan for a specific release?
Is there any view which allows to select any existing release and show all of its iterations and work items instead of creating a PLAN?
Our project has 15 separate application teams and work items got assigned to those teams separately. So to separately manage there work in RTC, do we need to create 15 different Plans for each release each associated with one team. And then Sprint Plan for each iteration within the release, for each team...
If we have 4 iterations per release then for 15 teams, there would be total 15 Release Backlog Plans+60 Sprint Backlog Plans for a single release. Is that correct?
Cant we create these Plans automatically with creation of release/iteration etc?
One answer
The plan shows everything underneath the plan owner and the selected iteration. If you set up your project in a way that the teams are underneath the project area and the release is an iteration (with sprints underneath), you can create a plan with the project area as owner and the release iteration as iteration and it would show you all the work items in this scope. You can categorize by teams and iterations and so forth.
See An Overview of Project Fundamentals in Rational Team Concert 3.0 for more details.
anoorva sinha
Jul 03 '15, 4:40 p.m.In Rally, there is provision to first select team, then whatever release/iteration you choose will show only the workitems of selected team in that release/iteration.
Here in RTC, if I create a plan with the project area as owner and the release iteration as iteration ..... then EITHER I can see Team view OR Iteration view. We can't select both. And with 15 teams in iteration we have huge number of workitems to look into if we create a plan "with the project area as owner " (and teams here belongs to separate applications and are not interested to see other teams workitems).
And again creating plans for each team every time is something additional in RTC.
There should be a provision in RTC to select multiple views (selections) under "View as" drop-down.