How to link test script in a test case

I am new to the RQM, i am using it to import my test script from excel.
How can i link them to the test cases created from the xls only.
I searched i found a command as "testcase.XLSLink=testscript", but i am not able to link them.
Please give me a solution. Config file i am using.
How can i link them to the test cases created from the xls only.
I searched i found a command as "testcase.XLSLink=testscript", but i am not able to link them.
Please give me a solution. Config file i am using.
// this configuration file creates testscripts with testcases using self referential
// and column based data with categories
// Start looking for scripts after row 2
// a new script starts when we encounter an empty row
// step type is defined within the spreadsheet
// self referential links must be declared before also using column definitions
// testcase.weight=O
testcase.category term="Phase".value=H
testcase.category term="Module".value=G
testcase.category term="Actor".value=F
One answer

You have used self referential links to link testcase and testscript, you cannot use XLSLink keyword at the same time.
So in your case, you may comment [testcase.XLSLink=testscript ] out and try again and see how it works.
In your installed ExcelImporter directory\Samples, you should be able to find some available samples to demo "linking test case to test script" using self referential links or XLSLink keyword.
I would suggest to check with [Test Cases made from scripts.cfg] for using XLSLink keyword and [Scripts that create testcases with comments.cfg] and [Scripts that create testcases.cfg](self referential links) and see which one(s) would be the one you may want to borrow by checking with the export result in RQM
So in your case, you may comment [testcase.XLSLink=testscript ] out and try again and see how it works.
In your installed ExcelImporter directory\Samples, you should be able to find some available samples to demo "linking test case to test script" using self referential links or XLSLink keyword.
I would suggest to check with [Test Cases made from scripts.cfg] for using XLSLink keyword and [Scripts that create testcases with comments.cfg] and [Scripts that create testcases.cfg](self referential links) and see which one(s) would be the one you may want to borrow by checking with the export result in RQM

Hi Don,
Thanks for the answer, but i am not able to link the test script to test case.
I have commented the XLSLink but still i am not able, i have also refereed to the samples but didn't found any solid information.
I used Self referential link to make the name common for both test case and test script, i am not able to link them under test script section in test case.
I have commented the XLSLink but still i am not able, i have also refereed to the samples but didn't found any solid information.
I used Self referential link to make the name common for both test case and test script, i am not able to link them under test script section in test case.

what is the RQM and RQMExcelImporter are you using? For the samples, which one did you try and what is the result in the export(did you see the test case and test scripts are exported to RQM properly but the link is not established?

I did a quick test against sample [Scripts that create testcases.cfg] and I do see the testcase and test script are both imported and test script is also added to test case's test script section. Can you please have a try and see if it works for you. if yes, you then need to check with what is the difference between your cfg and sample cfg to make your own export work.