Check-In and associate work item in Visual Studio does have different results

One answer

If you have a change set that is not completed in a component and check in a change (to a file), the change goes into the current change set ( which is the one that is already there).
If you associate a work item with the change set and there is already one associated, the new work item is simply added as well.
If you want multiple change sets, you have to make sure to create them and set the current one. "Check-In and associate work item" always uses the current change set as target.
You can create a new change set and check the change into that, unless the same file is already changed and the change checked into another change set that is not yet completed.

Thanks Ralph for the answer.

I tend to disagree.

Note that Ralph and my answers are consistent.
My point was that if you have changes in different change sets, then if you say "check-in and associate work item", then the "associate work item" should apply only to the change set(s) receiving the checkin.
Ralph's point was that if you say "check-in", it will perform the check-in to whatever is the "current" change set,
Question for Karthik: In both of your examples, you say "it will associate the work item to all of the change sets". That sounds like in your example, you are dealing with multiple change sets (in which case my answer should apply). If on the other hand, all of the changes are being checked in to the same (current) change set, then there is only one change set, and that is of course the change set that the work item has to be applied to (but then you wouldn't have said "all the change sets" :-).

Use case 1: if the files are in one component and assuming that there is no incomplete change set, there should be only one change set.
Please note, a change set exists in one component.
If referring to multiple change sets in use case 1, please explain what is seen. E.g. provide screenshots on the steps.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Apr 01 '15, 12:47 p.m.I also would have expected that the "associate work item" would only apply to the change set that is receiving the checkin (or change sets that are receiving the checkins, if there are multiple files being checked in to different change sets as part of a single operation). I'd suggest submitting a defect (development of course might just convert it to an enhancement request, if they intended it to work that way, but this would be a good way to find out).
Karthik Krishnan
Apr 02 '15, 6:39 a.m.Thanks Geoff.