Connection error from Rational Adapter for HP ALM 1.1 to HP ALM 12
Tools are HP ALM version 12 & Rational Adapter for HP ALM 1.1 & Internet Explorer 9 & Windows 7
I can directly connect to HP ALM 12,but when i try to connect to HP ALM 12 server from Rational adapter, I get this error below:
CRIHP2009E: The adapter server could not authenticate this user ID with the HP ALM server. java.lang.RuntimeException: Connection refused: connect
Any solution?
P.S.: HP ALM 11 does not work, but HP ALM 11.52 works.. but I need to connect HP ALM 12
Kind Regards
Baran Goru
One answer
I would suggest to open a PMR with support. This might be related to authentication.
The error provided suggests that the connection request is refused, but there is not enough data to see why that could have happened. The logs might contain more hints.
The error provided suggests that the connection request is refused, but there is not enough data to see why that could have happened. The logs might contain more hints.
How can I find and check the logs ?
I am ot sure for the HP ALM adapter. The Jazz logs are in the folder logs underneath the server folder. Have you looked into: ?
I follow the steps in the website from that url to set up the adapter.
But I did not see anything about the logs. I will find a way to check the logs under the HP ALM adapter.
Thank you, Ralph.
Unfortunately I did not find hints to logs there either. Have you tried to look into the server folder or into the install folder of the adapter?