Extracting test case from Excel using rqmexcelimporter and FindCell()
I try to import test cases from Excel. This works quite fine, only the Find*() functions are not working Example: testcase.dc:title=FindCell("Title") + (0,1)After import In RQM the title field contains "Title". It seems that "+ (0,1)" is ignored. If I specify a string which can not be found in the excel sheet (e.g. Titlex) I get: Getting artifacts from document - "UnitTestCases.xls"..... that means the importer understands the function FindCell() :-) Another side effect is that not the exact string is searched. In the above example I had also another Cell with text "Tile:". FindCell("Title") did return "Title:". Is there a description how FindCell searches? But most important: what is the correct syntax? " + (0,1)" at least is ignored :-(! Thanks, Joerg ___________________________________ the documentation for the feature in "excel Migration configuration.doc" is: ...
Constants can also be added to the function calls.
Lastly if you just add one number to a
The related sample xls/cfg files are titled
One answer
Hi Jorg,
Your requirement is to get the value from cell below the cell having value "Title". You can achieve that by using below syntax. testcase.dc:title=FindCell("Title") + 1 Comments
Jörg Werner
commented Jan 09 '15, 6:31 a.m.
Hi Reshma,
Your answer
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