need a query that will help us to distinguish between file and folder

We have a script that fetch files from RTC db , source might be stream/workspace/snapshot
We use scm gommanf to retrieve the list of files:
scm.exe --config F:\AmatSW\swusers\BNahum90789\.rtc\1\system\scm-config --non-interactive list remotefiles -r BNahum90789 -j --depth - --workspace BoazMainWF1_strm Qrtc /
{ "remote-files": [ { "path": "\/", "state-id": "_PzQxZfegEeOX8vm88IZW1g", "uuid": "_PzQxZPegEeOX8vm88IZW1g" }, { "path": "\/load_rules\/", "state-id": "_89mdgPegEeOX8vm88IZW1g", "uuid": "_7A6uYPegEeOMjqa-FSMiRQ" },
{ "path": "\/load_rules\/FullDynamic.loadrule", "state-id": "_39bRgQSAEeSX8vm88IZW1g", "uuid": "_7BEfYPegEeOMjqa-FSMiRQ" },
Now we iterate on each entry and fetch it:
scm.exe --config F:\AmatSW\swusers\BNahum90789\.rtc\1\system\scm-config --non-interactive get file -r BNahum90789 --overwrite _7BEfYPegEeOMjqa-FSMiRQ _39bRgQSAEeSX8vm88IZW1g Qrtc\load_rules\FullDynamic.loadrule
Our problem:
We have no way to distinguish between file and folder, so when trying to fetch a folder we get this exception:
java.lang.Exception: Problem running 'get file':
Invalid item _PzQxZPegEeOX8vm88IZW1g. Specify a valid FileItem.
What we need is a query that will help us to distinguish between file and folder.
We use scm gommanf to retrieve the list of files:
scm.exe --config F:\AmatSW\swusers\BNahum90789\.rtc\1\system\scm-config --non-interactive list remotefiles -r BNahum90789 -j --depth - --workspace BoazMainWF1_strm Qrtc /
{ "remote-files": [ { "path": "\/", "state-id": "_PzQxZfegEeOX8vm88IZW1g", "uuid": "_PzQxZPegEeOX8vm88IZW1g" }, { "path": "\/load_rules\/", "state-id": "_89mdgPegEeOX8vm88IZW1g", "uuid": "_7A6uYPegEeOMjqa-FSMiRQ" },
{ "path": "\/load_rules\/FullDynamic.loadrule", "state-id": "_39bRgQSAEeSX8vm88IZW1g", "uuid": "_7BEfYPegEeOMjqa-FSMiRQ" },
Now we iterate on each entry and fetch it:
scm.exe --config F:\AmatSW\swusers\BNahum90789\.rtc\1\system\scm-config --non-interactive get file -r BNahum90789 --overwrite _7BEfYPegEeOMjqa-FSMiRQ _39bRgQSAEeSX8vm88IZW1g Qrtc\load_rules\FullDynamic.loadrule
Our problem:
We have no way to distinguish between file and folder, so when trying to fetch a folder we get this exception:
java.lang.Exception: Problem running 'get file':
Invalid item _PzQxZPegEeOX8vm88IZW1g. Specify a valid FileItem.
What we need is a query that will help us to distinguish between file and folder.