Corrupt date value
While fetching the workitems from older RTC template we are getting the error reported at the end of the post. Due to which we are unable to fetch all the workitems.
For me is quite straightforward that it was a date misconfigured, but i need to solve this, as we often use the Eclipse Client, and it's a very troublesome error.
Any Helps? org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException: Value '0,113-07-31T12:00:00.000Z' is not legal. (, 38395, 48)
2 answers
The problem here is when we are trying to get the full data from RTC Eclipse client then it is showing the below error: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException: Value '0,204-02-13T12:00:00.000Z' is not legal. (, 22845, 48)
If we run the query from web then we are able to get the full data in csv file but from RTC Eclipse client it is shwoing illegal date error every time for different record.
If the items load in the Web UI, I would expect them to load in the Eclipse UI as well.
I would try to find one or two examples, look at the values and try to figure out what they contain and if it is possible to fix the dates should they be wrong. You could potentially use automation (based on Java) or bulk updates in the Web UI, I assume.
It might be also a good idea to approach support with the examples you found and ask for a solution.
Thanks for the response.
We automated (using java) the procedure to migrate the data from older RTC template to latest one . So there when we are trying to get the data from the old project area then the below error is stopping the java code. org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException: Value '0,113-07-31T12:00:00.000Z' is not legal. (, 38395, 48)
If this is automation, you should be able to get the ID of the work item. I would also expect that you can get at the raw data and find out what is wrong with it.
You can always wrap the statement with try/catch and use debugging to find out what is wrong - if there is anything wrong with it.
Date values are funny. I have described some experiences I had here:
Yes we kept the try catch and all other exceptions.
Problem here is that while fetching the data from code it fetches upto 1724th record successfully and stops at 1725 record but everytime the workitem is changed so we are unable to find like due to which workitem this is giving error.Also the error remains same everytime. To debug these much records is also difficult so put breakpoint at the exception and got that corrupt date message.
Do you have any solution how can we resolve through this?
You can try to use a minimal item load profile e.g. one that only loads the ID and print that. Then load the full profile. See for load profiles.