Restricting the read and write access to components and folders in RTC

I am trying to restrict my components and folders permissions to specific teams in my project area in RTC. I have created two components and two team areas. I have 4 users in JTS and added two users in team A and two users in team B. Then I tried restricting component 1 by changing the owner to Team A and visibility to Team A and component 2 by changing owner to Team B and visibility to Team B. Now with a user from Team B, I have loaded component 1 and worked on the files, it did not prompted me any error. Actually component 1 access is restricted only to Team A. The same happened with folders also.
Can anyone please guide me to restrict the components and folders.
Lily Wang
Oct 10 '14, 6:40 a.m. can answer your question.
vinay kumar bondugula
Oct 14 '14, 1:53 a.m.I have set the visibility of component 1 to Team A and component 2 to Team B, but still users from Team B are able to load the component 1 and work on the files of component 1.
Thank You
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 19 '14, 10:55 a.m.When you say you have "set the visibility of component 1 to Team A", when you open component 1 in the Eclipse component editor, is both the "Owned By" property set to "Team A" and the "Visibility" property set to "Team A" ? (And if not, what are the values of those properties?)
vinay kumar bondugula
Oct 24 '14, 3:22 p.m.I have set both the visibility and owned by property to respective teams, and the values of component in eclipse editor shows the same.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 25 '14, 10:14 a.m.I'd suggest working with support. My tests (in 5.0.1) show the visibility being respected.