Is there any recommended approach for migrating data from RQM standalone to CLM?

Now they face the need to migrate to CLM latest version and to use RQM integrated with RTC, but they want to keep the existing defects.
Is there any recommended approach for migrating data from RQM standalone to CLM? In this case, the defects previously stored in RQM should be moved to RTC.
Thanks a lot in advance!
Accepted answer

Hi Maria,
Please use the Interactive upgrade guide for upgrdation steps.( to latest version 5.0.1 link is attached below)
One other answer


Our stakeholder confirmed that both project areas, source and target, are now on version 4.0.6.
Could you please guide me on where to find the documentation so I can give them the information?
Thanks a lot in advance!

For clarification
If you were originally running RQM 2.x in a stand-alone environment and chose to manage your defects within RQM (i.e. never set up an external defect provider) then these defects will stay managed by RQM throughout the upgrade process. There is no migration path that will migrate internally managed RQM defects to RTC. After you have upgraded to 3.x/4.x/5.x you can use RTC to manage 'new' defects, but the ones from 2.x will still be managed locally by RQM