RQM Command Line Execution Tool Error
2 answers
What all arguments are you passing?
You need to specify the -suiteStepScriptIds argument with scriptIds which you want to execute
Also if you want to execute remote script then you need to specify the adapterId
the ant file:
<project name="vrm" default="CreateTestSuiteResult">
<target name="CreateTestSuiteResult">
arguments="-exitOnComplete=true -resultState=com.ibm.rqm.execution.common.state.error" />
<taskdef name="executeTestSuiteExecRecord"
classname="com.ibm.rqm.executiontool.RQMExecuteTestSuiteExecRecord" />
The -suiteStepScriptIds argument is missing here and so you are getting the error. Include the -suiteStepScriptIds argument in your ant file
Usage example
"Executing a Test Suite Execution Record":
"ExecutionUtility -tserId=134 -projectName="Quality Manager" -publicURI=https://localhost:9443/jazz -user=<valid user> -password=<correct password> -suiteStepScriptIds=10,23,,45 -suiteStepAdapterIds=20,20,,11 -exitOnComplete=false
Some help info for the new arguments
-suiteStepScriptIds=1,,4,10 : Optional comma separated scriptIds for each step in the order of step. Leave blank for a step where not applicable or want to use default script.
For instance, to specify scriptId 4 for step 1, script 78 for step 3 for a suite with 5 steps, argument value would be as follows:
-suiteStepAdapterIds=<comma separated adapter ids for each suite step> : Optional comma separated adapter Ids for each step in the order of step. Leave blank for a step where adapter is not required or want RQM to assign an adapter.
For instance, to specify adapterId 20 for step 2, 15 for step 3 for a suite with 3 steps, argument value would be as follows:
I think that using the "-resultState" argument eliminates the necessity of using the
You can add argument -verbose=true
this will print additional logs in console