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Using the Excel importer, can you add an image from file reference?

William Geck (1034) | asked Sep 25 '14, 2:30 p.m.
In the Excel Importer, you can attach images to a Test Script with:


Where the column J contains text such as "Q:\Filename.JPG"

Or you can embed an image in the expected results field, for example, with

testscript.steps.expectedResult=F & " " & image(I)

Where column I contains an image embeded in the excel document (and F is text)

Is there a way to place an image into expectedResult from a file reference? 

I have tried placing "Q:\Filename.JPG" in column "I" and using image(I), but that does not work.  I have also tried BMP and PNG formats.  Does image() only work with images embeded in an Excel Column?

I am using RQM 5.0

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Reshma Ratnani (1.1k1) | answered Oct 07 '14, 7:06 a.m.
Filepaths are considered as part of attachment attribute so Image accepts embedded images only


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