Does RTC have load log indicating who/when/what files are loaded?

There is a security request to know load log in RTC for some project areas from which the users wants to know who/when/what files are loaded in the project. I don't see the info in Eclipse client's workspace .log file and ccm.log files. I am wondering whether RTC has such load log anywhere.
Does anyone know if it is existing or if there is any way to track/record the activities?
Thank you very much.
Accepted answer


Thanks Tim for the article.
I tried to enable the logging and did some load/unload against JKE Banking sample in v406. There is no such scaa_content.log created as per the article but I see the debug entries got recorded in ccm.log file like below:
2014-09-25 10:05:37,078 [http-bio-9443-exec-35 @@ 10:05 dyang /ccm/service/] DEBUG scm_scaa -SCAA:dyang/FileItem,,_em3kQe4LEeOJb9X_MULqSQ,_endabu4LEeOJb9X_MULqSQ/Java UI,_dcxvsO4LEeOJb9X_MULqSQ
From above, my understanding is that in component Java UI was loaded by dyang at 2014-09-25 10:05:37. That looks good. Since I only did load(unload seems to log nothing), how can I tell from the log it is "load" activity but not others(if any) or only load activity would be logged here?

It's a read access log. That's the level of logging implemented. You'll have to open an RFE if you want something more specific in the logging.

Thanks Tim.