How to deploy a pre-condition

I'm trying to deploy a really simple precondition (which do nothing, I'm just trying to make it run). It's a precondition for client delivery operation and I'm using RTC 2.0 M3.
I've done my plugin (looking existing one like ProhibitCompilationErrorAdvisor) and I'm going to deploy. There is not a clear topic (here or in the wiki) on how to to it. It's not a component, so it doesn't use repository and it's only for client-side.
I've tried to put the jar into plugins and i've tried to use repotools (but I really don't know why I should use it because I'm not importing any service) building a feature and a update site but i get
CRJAZ1218I Bundle "it.nexen.test.preop" with l'ID 481 is not "RESOLVED".
where it.nexen.test.preop is my plugin contained on feature contained on site.
Can I have some indication on how to procede? And there's something about how ProjectArea behavior view gets avaible pre-condition or follow-up action?
Thanks a lot.
I'm trying to deploy a really simple precondition (which do nothing, I'm just trying to make it run). It's a precondition for client delivery operation and I'm using RTC 2.0 M3.
I've done my plugin (looking existing one like ProhibitCompilationErrorAdvisor) and I'm going to deploy. There is not a clear topic (here or in the wiki) on how to to it. It's not a component, so it doesn't use repository and it's only for client-side.
I've tried to put the jar into plugins and i've tried to use repotools (but I really don't know why I should use it because I'm not importing any service) building a feature and a update site but i get
CRJAZ1218I Bundle "it.nexen.test.preop" with l'ID 481 is not "RESOLVED".
where it.nexen.test.preop is my plugin contained on feature contained on site.
Can I have some indication on how to procede? And there's something about how ProjectArea behavior view gets avaible pre-condition or follow-up action?
Thanks a lot.
9 answers

On Mon, 06 Jul 2009 15:53:01 +0000, mikyjpeg wrote:
I'm not a provisioning expert, but this Wiki topic might help:
Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team
Is possible to make
more clear?
It is really criptical, especially the last section. Where do I have to
put my update-site in order to provision to the server??
I'm not a provisioning expert, but this Wiki topic might help:
Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team

On Mon, 06 Jul 2009 15:53:01 +0000, mikyjpeg wrote:
Is possible to make
more clear?
It is really criptical, especially the last section. Where do I have to
put my update-site in order to provision to the server??
I'm not a provisioning expert, but this Wiki topic might help:
Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team
Thank you for your answer. I've create a pre-condition plugin, the feature project and the site, I've build all and put my site project into /jazz/server path (as the other update site like nl1-update-site). Then I've created my provision profile:
and run
repotools -addTables
but what I've got is:
CRJAZ0298I The profile "D:\RTC20\jazz\server\conf\jazzprovision_profiles\nexenprofile.ini" must contain a url and featureId property.
Do you are any help??

I've always the same error. The provision file seems correct (I've copied it from profile.ini and changed only the url and feature id) but repotools reports that url and featureId seems not present. Any help?
I also have another question. If I'm deploying a pre-condition without any changes to repository, why do I have to run repotools -addTables??
I also have another question. If I'm deploying a pre-condition without any changes to repository, why do I have to run repotools -addTables??

You have featureid and it should be featureId. It is case sensitive
I'm not a provisioning expert, but this Wiki topic might help:
Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team
Thank you for your answer. I've create a pre-condition plugin, the feature project and the site, I've build all and put my site project into /jazz/server path (as the other update site like nl1-update-site). Then I've created my provision profile:
and run
but what I've got is:
CRJAZ0298I The profile "D:\RTC20\jazz\server\conf\jazzprovision_profiles\nexenprofile.ini" must contain a url and featureId property.
Do you are any help??
On Mon, 06 Jul 2009 15:53:01 +0000, mikyjpeg wrote:
Is possible to make
more clear?
It is really criptical, especially the last section. Where do I have to
put my update-site in order to provision to the server??
I'm not a provisioning expert, but this Wiki topic might help:
Jared Burns
Jazz Process Team
Thank you for your answer. I've create a pre-condition plugin, the feature project and the site, I've build all and put my site project into /jazz/server path (as the other update site like nl1-update-site). Then I've created my provision profile:
and run
repotools -addTables
but what I've got is:
CRJAZ0298I The profile "D:\RTC20\jazz\server\conf\jazzprovision_profiles\nexenprofile.ini" must contain a url and featureId property.
Do you are any help??

You will get the
CRJAZ0298I The profile
must contain a url and featureId property.
error if the provisioning code is unable it locate either the "url" and
"featureid" properties in the file. They must both be present.
I would make sure that you have correct cr/lf chars in the file.
Jazz Web UI Development.
mikyjpeg wrote:
CRJAZ0298I The profile
must contain a url and featureId property.
error if the provisioning code is unable it locate either the "url" and
"featureid" properties in the file. They must both be present.
I would make sure that you have correct cr/lf chars in the file.
Jazz Web UI Development.
mikyjpeg wrote:
You have featureid and it should be featureId. It is case sensitive
Thank you for the answer, but I've already tried it but the error does
not change. Also, if I take a look to the default provision files,
they all have "featureid" instead of

Ok, I've delete my file, open a template one (profile.ini) into unix, modified it, rename it and upload on my windows machine (where I have RTC installed). Now it seems to run.
There was something in cr/lf as you said. The strange thing is that at the first time I copied profile.ini directly into windows and modified it using a good editor (UltraEdit) which maintained cr/lf settings. So when I was reopening it it was on Unix mode.
If I have to pass through Unix to maintain it it doesn't seems really practical...
Thank you very much for your answers.
There was something in cr/lf as you said. The strange thing is that at the first time I copied profile.ini directly into windows and modified it using a good editor (UltraEdit) which maintained cr/lf settings. So when I was reopening it it was on Unix mode.
If I have to pass through Unix to maintain it it doesn't seems really practical...
Thank you very much for your answers.