load rule exception occur

Hi, I used ILoadRule2 rule = ILoadRuleFactory.loadRuleFactory.getLoadRule(workspaceConnection, xmlReader, monitor); to load the projects,
loadruls file such as:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<scm:SourceControlLoadRule xmlns:scm="http://com.ibm.team.scm" eclipseProjectOptions="import" version="1">
<itemLoadRule alternateName="FSRoot">
<component name="FileSystem Component"/>
<item repositoryPath="/"/>
com.ibm.team.filesystem.client.FileSystemException: Error parsing load rule: cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'scm:SourceControlLoadRule'. May I know what made this Exception occur?
One answer

(To load the root of the component)
<itemloadrule alternateName="FSRoot">
<component name="FileSystem Component"/>
<item itemId="uuid of the component" itemType="folder"/>
(To load a path in the component. This will not remember the repository path)
<itemloadrule alternateName="FSRoot">
<component name="FileSystem Component"/>
<item repositoryPath="/path1/path2/filename" />
(To load a path in the component but also remember the repository path)
<itemloadrule alternateName="FSRoot">
<component name="FileSystem Component"/>
<item repositoryPath="/path1/path2/filename" />
< sandboxRelativePath includeRepositoryPath="true"/>
Vijay Reddy Gaddam
Apr 20 '15, 2:12 a.m.Hi,